Our services

[m]spark aggregates a large amount of PRACTICAL knowledge of technological innovations in the area of marketing.

In addition to projects related to advertising campaigns, we also have the resources, data and know-how to carry out consulting projects.

The range of services in this area includes, among others:

Workshops in the area of digital transformation

Audit and consulting of digital technologies in the area of e-commerce and digitalization of retail and client service

Identification of areas with an opportunity to implement innovation to gain additional competitive advantage on the market

Training on how to implement an innovation culture in the company

Dedicated acceleration programme for a selected corporation that is looking for innovative technology providers for specific implementations supported with EU funds

Desk research - a report per industry and trends, dedicated research that meets the needs

Training from individual verticals e.g. Computer Vision, Geoanalysis Optionally with the preparation of a dedicated proof of concept

LIVE DEMO presentations of technological innovation solutions

We work in accordance with the Design Thinking technology

Implementations are carried out in accordance
with the objectives of Agile methods

Activity of our consultants